"The European Union is a remarkable and unique economic and political union.

Less than a state, but more than a simple alliance."

Tamás Sulyok
President of Hungary


Every six months, a member state becomes the president of the Council of the EU and helps ensure the smooth running of the EU legislative process. The presidency is responsible for driving forward the Council's work on EU legislation, ensuring the continuity of the EU agenda, orderly legislative processes and cooperation among member states. Hungary will work as an honest broker, in the spirit of sincere cooperation between member states and institutions, for the peace, security and prosperity of a truly strong Europe.


Hungary takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Union at a time of extraordinary circumstances and challenges. Hungary is focusing on seven thematic areas for its work during the presidency:

  1. enhancing the EU's competitiveness
  2. reinforcing the EU's defence policy
  3. making the enlargement policy consistent and merit-based
  4. stemming illegal migration
  5. shaping the future of cohesion policy
  6. promoting a farmer-oriented EU agricultural policy
  7. addressing demographic challenges



1,500 Council working group meetings will be held; 37 formal Council meetings are planned in Brussels and Luxembourg; and 230 presidency events will be organised in Hungary. The latter include 16 informal Council meetings, one informal European Council meeting and a European Political Community summit. The main venue for events in Hungary will be the Várkert Bazaar in Budapest, but events are also expected at the Bálna Events Centre, ministries and the Puskás Arena.


The Rubik’s cube, the main element of the Hungarian presidency logo, refers to Hungarian ingenuity and problem-solving skills, as well as the complexity of European affairs. It is made up of 27 elements, the same number as the number of EU member states. To complete the cube, it requires strategic insight, patience, discipline and precision - all qualities that are essential for the presidency of Hungary of the Council of the European Union. Hungary is proud of Ernő Rubik as one of the most important and worldwide inventor of the Rubik's cube. The three-dimensional mechanical logic game celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.


Further information on the Hungarian Presidency: